Christ Church Stained Glass Windows
All windows were originally plain glass, similar to those still in the East wall. Between 1897 and 1937, seven stained glass windows were installed at various times. Five of the windows were constructed in Munich, Germany, by the F. Mayer Company. Two have a Mayer signature (Christ knocking at the Door and Christ and the Kneeling Woman). Window restoration was begun in the spring of 1992 and completed in 1994.

Christ and the kneeling Woman
This is our largest window and is placed above the altar. Inscribed “O woman great is thy faith
Cecelia Peareth Lennox in loving memory of her children Cecil and Georgina 1897”. Given by Lady Cecelia Peareth Lennox of Forfarshire, Scotland, in memory of her two children: Cecil, who died at the age of 22 at Elkington, an estate near Eastville; and Georgina, who was married in Christ Church but died in Chicago. Mrs. Cecelia Peareth lived at Cugley, on Savage’s Neck, from about 1885 to 1891. When her daughter and son-in-law, Arthur Jefferson, moved to Chicago, she returned to Scotland and later became Lady Lennox of Lennox Castle.
This is a signed window as shown.

Christ knocking at the Door
Inscribed “In loving memory of Reverend Edward William Cowling
Rector and Rector Emeritus of Hungars Parish 1914-1935”.
Mr. Cowling was a beloved priest. Descendants of his live in the county.
This window is signed as shown.

Mary Magdalene
Inscribed “Simply to Thy cross I cling -
To the glory of God and in loving memory of Frances Fitchet Nottingham And Ellen Wickham Nottingham 1912”.
Fanny and Ellen were the wife and daughter, respectively, of Rodney Nottingham, the Clerk of Court at the Eastville court-house in 1899. All are buried in the Christ Church cemetery.
This is an unsigned Mayer window.

Christ Child in the Temple
Inscribed "To the glory of God and in loving Memory of Aline Notthingham dedicated by the Young Ladies Guild 1912". The Nottinghams lived on Old Town Neck. Aline, the youngest of Levin and Alice Nottingham's three daughters, died at the age of 25, in 1907. She is buried, along with her parents and sisters, in Christ Church cemetery.
This is an unsigned Mayer window.

Christ and the Children
Inscribed "To the glory of God and in loving memory of our parents Nathaniel and Juliet F. Holland".
The Hollands, who were known as good church people, lived at Poplar Hill, about two miles east of Eastville.
This is an unsigned Mayer window.

Saint Cecelia
Inscribed “To the glory of God and in loving memory of Louise Alston Meade 1904”. Louise Meade was the wife of the rector, William Nelson Meade, who served the church from 1892 to 1903; during that time she was church organist. Saint Cecelia, patron saint of music, faces the gallery where the organ is located and choirs once sang.

Saint Luke
Inscribed “In memory of our father William Gilmore Smith
For 50 years Senior Warden and Lay Reader of this Church 1801 – 1876 And our mother Elizabeth Upshur Bowdoin Smith 1807 – 1889”. A memorial to Dr. William Smith, an active vestryman instrumental in the building of Christ Church. Dr. Smith was a physician by trade and lived at Ingleside on the east side of Eastville.