(757) 678-7837
Cure Ministries
The Lay Readers assist in services by reading scripture lessons and prayers and helping the celebrant serve communion.
Acolytes of all ages assist the clergy in the celebration of church services.
Ushers welcome everyone with a smile and a program.
Volunteers who assist in live streaming worship services and concerts.
Volunteers who prepare the sanctuary for services and care for the liturgical vessels and wares of each church.
Fellowship following services at both churches
Choir of the combined Cure Parish
Cure group which meets weekly for study of the scriptures.
Reaching out beyond our church to support Eastern Shore individuals and organizations.
Bringing parishioners closer through small group discussion, prayer, and fellowship.
Multi-church ministry serving the needs of the Hispanic population and migrant farmworkers of the Shore.
Hosting and sponsoring events for the support of various church needs and local non-profit charities.
Teaching the children of God how to practice love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Sending cards to parishioners on birthdays or in times of need and prayer.
Providing knitted, blessed prayer shawls as a reminder of God's love and protection.
Cure Men's Group - Food & Fellowship